Jupiter conjunct Uranus: Astrology to Look Forward to in 2024, Part II
Opportunity, healing, and exponential growth
In this series, “Astrology to Look Forward to in 2024”, we’re looking at potentially joyful stuff to look forward to in 2024. There are pros and cons to every planetary alignment, and if y’all are at all familiar with my work, I’m big on the “this could be great, but let’s keep [x] and [x] in mind too;” I like to keep it grounded and realistic. But here in this series, we’re gonna keep it fairly light.
Key dates for Jupiter conjunct Uranus in Taurus
☆ March 30th, 2024: Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus get within a 3º orb of each other
☆ April 20th, 2024: Jupiter and Uranus exactly conjoin at 21º Taurus
☆ May 8th, 2024: Jupiter and Uranus move out of orb of one another
☆ May 11th, 2024: Jupiter and Uranus move back into 3º orb
☆ May 12th, 2024: Jupiter and Uranus separate for the final time for the next 14 years
Who will feel this transit the most?
☆ Anyone with personal planets or angles around 21º Taurus
☆ Anyone in a Jupiter-ruled profection year
☆ Anyone in a Taurus profection year
Jupiter and Uranus only conjoin once every 14-ish years, so this is a pretty exciting and uncommon cosmic event.
Every time this transit comes up we are given an opportunity to break free from things that hold us back and accelerate the growth or healing process that Jupiter is helping us through, and we get an extra boost of confidence to go an uncharted or previously unseen route in our lives. Unexpected moments of expansion are another positive side effect.
This time, in 2024, Jupiter and Uranus will be conjunct in Taurus, and the Uranian visionary is in a forest alight with electrical impulses. This is the love(r), the masterpiece, the one so far beyond the box that here in this parallel universe it’s like the box has never existed. There’s no sky to define the limit. The smell is glow-in-the-dark milk from the earth’s breast, or maybe it’s the smell of money changing hands in a casino.
Astrology is the art of learning the future by understanding the patterns of the past, so in order to understand what’s coming we have to look back at Jupiter-Uranus conjunctions of the past.
Past Jupiter-Uranus conjunctions
The last time Jupiter and Uranus conjoined, they actually met three times – in June 2010, September 2010, and January 2011. That last conjunction was special because it took place in two different signs. The first conjunction, on June 8th, 2010 took place at 0º Aries. The second occurred on September 18th, 2010, once Jupiter and Uranus had both retrograded back to 28º Pisces. And the third was on January 4th, 2011 at 27º Pisces.
What came up for you that last time?
Most notably for me, it was during that last Jupiter-Uranus conjunction period that I completely accidentally discovered (very Uranian) that there is more to astrology than sun signs, and obv my mind has been unendingly blown forevermore. Throughout that time I was also dealing with and ultimately liberating myself from the folly of Catholic guilt (a very Piscean topic, and tbh it was largely rooted in the influence of my textbook-Pisces parent… who I was also taking time away from then).
Personally and collectively, Jupiter conjunct Uranus is a “giant leap for mankind” kind of energy. And incidentally, as many other astrologers have noted, Uranus and Jupiter were exactly conjunct in Libra when we witnessed the first moon landing and Neil Armstrong famously called it “one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.” The moon also was 1º from the exact conjunction that day. Pretty eerie!
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